IPv6 - how do I get ready?

Harry Strongburg harry.ubuntu at harry.lu
Mon Jan 24 09:03:32 UTC 2011

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 08:28:03AM +0000, David Fletcher wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-01-24 at 06:21 +0000, Harry Strongburg wrote:
> > On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 06:33:36PM -0700, ANDY wrote:
> > If your ISP has no plans as of yet, you could always try an IPv6 
> > tunnel broker such as tunnelbroker.net, or use a Teredo tunnel (sudo 
> > apt-get install miredo, as an example).
> I sent off the same question to Virgin Media over the weekend. They
> surely must all be aware of the situation, so the question is, are they
> really behaving like ostriches, or are preparations quietly being made
> without telling their customers until they're ready?

Sadly, more of the first. Many ISPs seem to think that they will be fine 
and dandy with ignoring IPv6, "we have enough IPs, NAT will hold us 
off". When their pool gets delpleted, and no one wants to sell them new 
IPv4 IPs, they will probably deploy Carrier Grade NAT. At this point, 
if/when one of their customers does something that got an abuse report 
sent to their ISP, will the ISP realize how hard it would be to track 
the abusive user. Or, it could be that the ISP secretly wants it, but 
the costs associated with upgrading their network to properly support 
IPv6 outweigh the potential costs of Carrier Grade NAT or other 
"solutions" to the IPv4 depletion problem.

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