Mounting ISO

A. Jorge Garcia calcpage at
Mon Jan 24 00:03:03 UTC 2011

>> Internet locked for the classroom makes sense. Anyway, I think it 
>> work even if you don't have the latest updates.

> Meanwhile I downloaded the binary file I mentioned in a previous 
mail. I
> installed it in /usr/local - it needs about 2.5GB of disk space. It
> looks like it can be used as a locally installed server. I didn't try 
> it is available from other machines. If you start it as "sage -n" it
> asks for a password to use for the sage admin (not the admin of the
> machine) at the first start and then starts your browser. On 
> starts it doesn't ask for a password. If you save a worksheet you can
> select the location of the file. I think that's what you could use on
> each of the machines. If you need instructions how to set it up this
> way, please let me know.

Well, actually, I think I'm reinstalling the Lab this week with Ubuntu 
10.10 32bit Desktop edition.  Its Midterm Week, so I can get some stuff 
done in there without peeps in my hair all day!  I'm thinking of 
downgrading from 64bit to 32bit as I've been running 64bit for a year 
now and see no real benefit.  However, I do find it difficult to 
install certain utilities such as flash and java in Firefox.  So, I 
downloaded the 32bit ISO for Ubuntu and the 32bit binaries for SAGE.  
I'll try to install SAGE as you suggest after reinstalling Ubuntu.

A. Jorge Garcia
Applied Math and CompSci

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