Startup disk using a usb SanDisk 8gb Problem...

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Fri Jan 21 00:35:15 UTC 2011

On 21/01/2011 06:01, Larry Shields wrote:
> *I have tried three times to install 10.10 on my 8gb USB SanDisk, too 
> boot up from it, but I've had no-luck in doing so...
> Is one supposed to erase or format this device first, before it will 
> bootup...???
> It does copy everything from the iso to it, with the boot folder, 
> casper, dists, install, pics, pool, etc...
> So can anyone tell me as to why it does not boot...???
> Oh and yes I have my bios set to boot from a cd or dvd...
> Thanks for any help on this...

You are using the Startup Disc Creator option in System>Administration 
to create a bootable installation flash disc, right? If so, the flash 
disc has to be formatted in mosdos (FAT32 will do) otherwise the booting 
routine on the disc will not work.

On the other hand, if you are creating a fully functioning system on the 
8GB flash disc (you only need a 2GB for a Startup disc) then come back 
to me and I will find the article which tells you how to do it.


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