card reader

James Tappin sjt at
Thu Jan 20 18:24:08 UTC 2011

On Thu, 20 Jan 2011 11:36:04 -0500
Verde Denim <tdldev at> wrote:

VD> I'm running Ubuntu 10.04 (64-bit) on a Dell 830 that has a 02Micro card
VD> reader.
VD> I have virtualbox 3.2.12 running an xp (32 bit) guest. In the usb devices
VD> tray icon I can see this as O2Micro CCID SC Reader [0110],
VD> but the selection is grey (not selectable).
VD> I do have the reader app installed from my office (which does work on a
VD> native environment).
VD> On the host, running pcsc_scan shows the reader correctly, and does detect
VD> when my card is inserted and removed.
VD> I must be missing something as to why this selection is not available in the
VD> guest.
VD> Any input is appreciated.

IIRC, USB is disabled in the free version of virtualbox.

| James Tappin           | School of Physics & Astronomy |  O__    |
| sjt at | University of Birmingham      | --  \/` |
| Ph: 0121-414-6462. Fax: 0121-414-3722                  |         |

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