using transmission torrent client behind a proxy

Alan Pope popey at
Thu Jan 20 08:48:33 UTC 2011

n 20 January 2011 07:52, Tapas Mishra <mightydreams at> wrote:
> I should not be asking this question as it is a straight forward thing
> but the situation where I use my machine.
> I am having internet connection in an environment whose proxies I do not know.
> In firefox
> Edit->Preferences->Network->Connection-->Settings --->Use system Proxy
> settings option is there.
> So I have not given any IP or port combination here and my Internet
> works very smoothly.

Do you actually use a proxy though? That dialog just means "Don't
maintain my own proxy settings, use whatever the host proxy settings
are". Which you'll find in System -> preferences -> network proxy.
That's your proxy server address, if indeed there is one.

> Since Firefox uses System Proxy settings and in one day I am at
> different places(different organizations)
>  each place has a different network environment but I have internet
> working each time (without any change to any Firefox settings)

So maybe there is no proxy?

If you go to do you see "Proxy: No
Proxy or Invisible Proxy Used "? In addition is there an
HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR which may indicate a proxy is in use.

> so if I want to use Transmission also simultaneousy (in a situation
> where I am not aware of proxy or proxy does not exist but rest ports
> are blocked)
> then what should I be doing?

Firstly I'd make sure you're allowed to use bittorrent on the networks
you're on. Most corporate and education networks (rightly or wrongly)
block bittorrent where I am, proxy or not.


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