Problem during upgrade from 08.04 LTS to 10.04.1 LTS

Robert Holtzman holtzm at
Sun Jan 16 20:29:11 UTC 2011

On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 02:10:54PM -0500, Ric Moore wrote:


> +1 I concur. I get copies of the Devel list and I have yet to see any
> discussion checking if 8.04 updated correctly to 10.4 ...nary once. It's
> a noble goal to be able to update from one LTS to the next, but I am
> leery of that big a jump and to have all of your .dot and /etc files go
> along with the plan successfully. I see nothing but a potential trail of
> tears. :) Ric

Gee. I guess my two upgrades of LTS releases were anomalies.

Bob Holtzman
Key ID: 8D549279
"If you think you're getting free lunch,
 check the price of the beer"
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