[OT] broken message IDs (was: Re: create a boot-able disk from an iso file)

Matt Johnson johnsonmlw at yahoo.com
Sat Jan 15 02:27:35 UTC 2011

On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 02:39:23PM -0500, Boggess Rod wrote:
> >What is it that breaks the message IDs in the threading-relevant
> headers of
> >your
> >posts, making each of your replies appear to be a the start of a new
> >thread?
> Don't know, probably because I receive these in digest form?
> >I find that pretty annoying. Can you fix that somehow, please?
> >
> Nope.

As someone new to Ubuntu and this mailing list (and generally pretty 
inexperienced with this sort of thing), it seems that there are quite a few 
messages in my inbox about top-posting, html email and now threading. I now 
understand two out of three of these. I'm sure there are other things that might 
be avoided that I don't know about yet. But, I can't help wondering if it would 
be better to mail someone off list if they inadvertently cause others hassle, 
rather than telling them they're doing it all wrong in public. I haven't thought 
this through, but an email off list would seem to me like a 'quiet helpful word' 
rather than such a long discussion each time. I suppose in reality they'd 
receive a handful of emails pointing it out, but that may well be better than 
them reading through the spiral of conversations on list caused by their 
mistake. I'm sure there'll be another next week (I may have managed it in this 

All the best,


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