[OT] broken message IDs (was: Re: create a boot-able disk

Boggess Rod rboggess at tenovacore.com
Fri Jan 14 19:46:00 UTC 2011

>Boggess Rod consistently breaks the thread (but not always, so he must
>know what causes this) and seemingly doesn't give a sh__ , because was
>already warned to no avail.

Yup. That's it in a nutshell. I hate you all. I'm a misanthrope that
lives solely to torture you with broken email links. As soon as I
acquire that PC crystal ball that allows me access to your computer, I'm
going to subscribe to all the lists you're in and do the same, because I
have nothing better to do.

Seriously, quick vote. I do have one recourse -- I can leave this group
permanently. I love the depth with which you embrace the Ubuntu Spirit
here. Goodbye.

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