FLV - need a functional video editor

Franz Waldmüller waldbauernbub at gmx.at
Thu Jan 13 20:44:22 UTC 2011

Hi Andy,

Am 2010-12-28 03:14, schrieb ANDY:
> UBUNTU 9.10 +proposed
> I'm trying to edit clips out of FLV files and finding all the Ubuntu
> Software Center video editors fail to work one way or another.  Can
> someone recommend a basic function video editor?
I am using kdenlive to edit flv-video files. If you are using ubuntu 
9.10 you should add the repository of the develpers. It is more up to 
date. Everything is explained on this site:

If I remember correctly, you will have to add an additional package on 
ubuntu 9.10 if the sound is not working correctly.
I think it was one of the following packages, but you may have to do 
some research on your own:

Franz, who is very satisfied with kdenlive

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