create a boot-able disk from an iso file

Colin Law clanlaw at
Mon Jan 10 11:49:42 UTC 2011

On 10 January 2011 00:06, Bill Stanley <bstanle at> wrote:
> I have an iso file which creates a boot-able disk.  The file is now on the
> desktop of my computer but Ubuntu doesn't seem to know how to burn the disk.
>  (I have no problems burning a regular disk.)  It can open the archive but
> that is not what I want. obviously, the archive is complete.
> PS The iso file might have to create a boot-able DVD because I'm not sure
> that a CD will be big enough.  I can burn DVD's but is there anything extra
> that must be done if it has to be on a dvd disk.

If it supposed to be for a CD then it will probably fit.  An image
file may be too big to be put on the CD as a file, but ok as an image.

If you open your favourite CD/DVD burning s/w it should have a Burn
Image option somewhere.  If you cannot find it tell us which s/w you
are using (look in the help for it first, obviously).


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