few basic stuff about Drupal

LAMP lamp at afan.net
Mon Jan 10 03:03:22 UTC 2011

I have to fix friends drupal website, somebody else started (and messed 
up). I'm drupal newbie too but this will be great way to learn 
something. it's really basic website. the prev guy used blog as content 
type to put news. he didn't figure out how to have last e.g. 5 artikles 
(news) on font page and on the News page have titles and teasers.
1. is it easy to switch nodes made with blog content type to simple 
story cont. type? (no View module involved)
2. I was google-ing for this but all I found was to complicated, complex 
to me and/or something I have to modify (?!?): how simply have 5 latest 
stories (or other content type if I have to create) on front page, in 
content area with title, date posted, posted by and short "introduction" 
+ "more..." :-)

p.s. if somebody knows a "explain to me like I'm 4" tutorial about Views 
please provide me the link :-)


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