Dual-core Atom Processors

Nataraj incoming-ubuntu at rjl.com
Fri Jan 7 18:38:00 UTC 2011

On 01/07/2011 08:10 AM, ms wrote:
> On 07/01/11 12:55, Greg Bair wrote:
>> Anyone have any experiences with these processors?  More specifically
>> the D510?  A friend and I are having a friendly bet on who can put
>> together the best low-power Linux desktop sub-$300 (to be given to a
>> local charity).
>> I found online a forum thread saying 9.10 and 10.04 kernels didn't
>> support it.  But another forum thread that said Fedora 12 supported
>> it, and I'm guessing that 10.10 probably does too.  A review of one on
>> newegg stated that it was perfect for firewalls, but didn't say what
>> distro plus I want to use it in a graphical desktop environment.
>> The small power consumption is very attractive.  And if I can use it, I
>> found an Intel mobo + CPU combo on newegg for $80.
> Writing you with a dual-core Atom on an Asus eee 1201n.
> on
> m.

If anyone with one of these dual-core Atom systems has any performance
statistics on how much bandwidth can be pushed through an openvpn (or
possibly IPSEC) vpn connection, I would be interested.   I'm considering
these to use for a small firewall vpn server.  I'm also looking at some
small via based systems that are slower, but have padlock encryption
chips and can do about 21MB.  One source for complete atom based systems
and motherboards that I'm looking at is this:


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