Does ubuntu has intel 1G/bits wire Ethernet driver?

J dreadpiratejeff at
Wed Jan 5 16:10:26 UTC 2011

On Tue, Jan 4, 2011 at 22:54, Rashkae <ubuntu at> wrote:

> ethtool is deprecated.  No harm in installing it, but it will not work with
> all Ethernet devices/drivers.  Use mii-tool instead (which should already be
> installed by default.)

Since when?  Every Ubuntu system I have has both mii-tool and ethtool

And mii-tool is quite a bit older than ethtool is.

Not that I really want to get into a "emacs/vi" debate about ethtool
or mii-tool, but where did you get your info that ethtool was being
deprecated by a far older tool?

Even the Linux Foundation said that mii-tool was obsoleted by ethtool:

So just curious where you're getting that info.

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