using vsftp

Avi Greenbury avismailinglistaccount at
Tue Jan 4 17:11:09 UTC 2011

A. Jorge Garcia wrote:
> Today, I tried copying files from an old ftp server to this new one
> and got an error something like "operation on supported."  Since when
> is copying files not supported?  

How were you copying? Just with cp? Or scp? Where were you logged into
to do the copy (scp from a remote box to this ftp server, logged into
the ftp server to scp from elsewhere)?

>                                  Then, I figured I had to be root to
> add files to the new ftp server so I opened a terminal, ran sudo su
> and tried copying to /home/ftp from the other site via nautilus but
> got the same error.  What am I missing here?

What are the permissions of the directory at the root of the FTP share
(presumably /home/ftp)? You can get them by doing

ls -ld /home/ftp


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