a perl question

Normand Marion normand.marion at sympatico.ca
Tue Jan 4 15:18:44 UTC 2011

I am not a perl guru but, with the given information, your request 
sounds like this

use strict;
use warnings;

my $in=$ARGV[0];  #Capture input file

open (F, "$in") or die "Cannot open $in $!";
while (<F>) {          #read file to EOF
     if ( /h/ ) {             # match "h"
     print $_;
close ("F")


Le 2011-01-04 05:28, S Mathias a écrit :
> cat asdf.txt
> bla-bla
> bla-bla
> bla[XYZ]
> importantthing
> another important thing
> [/XYZ]
> bla-bla
> bla-bla
> [XYZ]
> yet another thing
> hello!
> [/XYZ]
> bla-bla
> etc.
> $ SOMEPERLMAGIC asdf.txt>  output.txt
> $ cat output.txt
> importantthing
> another important thing
> yet another thing
> hello!
> how can i sovle this question? what is SOMEPERLMAGIC? are there any perl gurus, that have a little spare time?
> Thank you! :\

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