Ebook Reader for Ubuntu

Jack Wallen jlwallen at monkeypantz.net
Sun Jan 2 19:17:45 UTC 2011

On Sun, 02 Jan 2011 14:14:40 -0500
"Mark C. Miller" <mmiller at millermc.net> wrote:

> Like many folks, I received a Nook for Christmas.  I really like it. 
> They have apps for my phone, my son's iPad, etc.
> Is there a reader program for Ubuntu?  I've been reading about the 
> differences between Kindle and Nook and it seems neither the twain
> shall meet.
> Hope you're enjoying the last of the break before work starts again
> in earnest.

Calibre is an outstanding ebook reader/manager for Linux. I highly
recommend it. I believe it can be found in the Ubuntu Software Center.

And, while you're at it, you can check out my novels I have for sale on
Barnes And Nobel. ;-)

Jack Wallen

> tia
> mcm

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