10.04 troubleshoot system freeze

scar scar at drigon.com
Sat Feb 26 04:49:08 UTC 2011

Hash: SHA256

scar @ 02/25/2011 02:03 PM:
> [snip]
> i will try out the 'stress' package,
> though, and see if the system freezes under a high load.

i was able to get up to 'stress -m 32' to work fine (i let it run about
about a minute).  the system load was up past 26 but still responding
fine.  when i tried 'stress -m 33', the system froze immediately.

so, again, not sure what this is telling me... just that if the system
runs out of RAM then it will freeze?  don't all systems do that?
couldn't i have made the system freeze with other commands?

i think i will leave this 'watch -n 10 free' open and see what it looks
like next time the system freezes.  maybe the system really is running
out of memory.

it also turns out that zoneminder was running on a system with much less
resources than the current one, without any problems.  we did transfer
the zoneminder installation over to the current system by
copying/pasting the recorded events and exporting/importing the
zoneminder database.



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