/etc/fstab refuses to accept "&" (ampersand)

Nils Kassube kassube at gmx.net
Fri Feb 25 08:20:53 UTC 2011

Dominik Psenner wrote:
> I have a samba/cifs share that contains a special character (namely
> "&") and fstab refuses to accept such a line even with multiple
> approaches to escape it.

> All examples above fail too for the mount type "sambafs" (i.e.
> 's/cifs/sambafs/g').
> Is it a bug? Is it a feature? I know there is a workaround using
> autofs, but as far as I can tell, it should also work with fstab.

I'm not familiar with samba/cifs but if the '&' is allowed in directory 
names, it is certainly a samba/cifs bug because fstab works with '&' and 
nfs without any escape sequence.


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