Ayuda Instalación Linux Ubuntu

Doug dmcgarrett at optonline.net
Tue Feb 22 23:43:48 UTC 2011

On 02/22/2011 08:33 AM, Edwin Javier Berrio wrote:
> Hola a Todos
> Tengo un equipo con un disco duro de 80 GB con Windows Xp, tiene dos particiones C:/ con 40 Gb y D:/ 40 Gb   / La verdad no se como hacer para instalar Linux Ubuntu, no se como asignarle el espacio que se requiere para instalarlo, ya que mi miedo es perder la información q se maneja en windows..
> Gracias por esa ayuda tan inmesa.
> Edwin Javier Berrio
> Portal&  Chat Corporativo ETB Hogares
> Tel. (1)4251700 Ext. 53623
> CCA Sede Dorado Plaza
> edwiberr at etb.net.co
My Spanish is very rudimentary, but I believe you wish to install Ubuntu 
on the second partition of your hard drive.  To do that, you should
move all your Windows files off of the D:\ drive.  Then use GParted* to 
set up Linux partitions on this portion of your drive. Make 2 ext4
partitions of 14 and 24 GB and format them, and make one swap partition 
of 2 GB. Then the Ubuntu setup should go easily.

* A bootable download of GParted is available.

If there is a Spanish email list for Ubuntu, you should use that.

Hope that helps--doug

Blessed are the peacemakers...for they shall be shot at from both sides. --A. M. Greeley

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