copying from vi to clipboard does not over writes clip board buffer

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Wed Feb 16 18:41:32 UTC 2011

On Wed, Feb 16, 2011 at 8:52 AM, scar <scar at> wrote:
> i noticed, when working with the terminal, there are two different
> clipboards.  i haven't researched this in-depth, but i've just noticed
> that they exist.
> one clipboard is accessed with ^C and ^V and another is accessed with
> ^Insert and Shift+Insert.  in the terminal, i have to use Shift+^C and
> Shift+^V in place of ^C and ^V

These are not two different clipboards, they are different ways to
access the same one.

On UNIX and UNIX-based systems, in a terminal, ^C means to issue a
SIGINT to the running process, and ^V is a special character prefix
(as in, the next special character you type will be treated as
non-special).  These are kind of carved into stone, going back to the
early days of UNIX (more than a decade before MS's GUI with its ^C-^V
behavior) and since, so in order to allow access to the clipboard at
all in a terminal, you have to shift the characters.

If you select something in a non-terminal window and copy it (usually
with ^C), you can then paste it into a terminal with <shift>^V, and
the same is true in reverse.

AFAIK, there is only one clipboard.

The issue with what happens in vim when you use the + register sounds
like an incomplete or improper implementation in vim, possibly a bug,
and should probably be reported to the appropriate person (Bram
Moolenaar et al).

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