copying from vi to clipboard does not over writes clip board buffer

Karl Auer kauer at
Wed Feb 16 11:25:54 UTC 2011

> >>>I open a text file in vi
> >>>and scroll to some line
> >>>now press Esc
> >>>and :"+yy
> >>>the line gets yanked
> >>>I open gedit and Ctrl+V
> >>>and then I see the line is pasted.

I cannot replicate this behaviour. I cannot yank a line in vi and paste
it into gedit. Are you (Tapas) sure this is what is happening?

Only if I mark the text in vi with the mouse can I paste it into gedit -
and then only with a middle mouse click, not with Ctl-V.

This is the behaviour I expect and that is familiar to me; vi is not

Regards, K.

Karl Auer (kauer at                   +61-2-64957160 (h)                   +61-428-957160 (mob)

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