[11.04]-Turn Off Unity & Use Classic Gnome?

Tom H tomh0665 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 15 22:32:08 UTC 2011

On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 4:15 PM, Alan Pope <popey at ubuntu.com> wrote:
>> On 15 February 2011 16:10, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> You do realise that you can only upgrade from one release to the next?
>> Not true. You _can_ skip releases. I've done it a few times. I'm not
>> recommending that people should, or that it's wise, just that you
>> _can_.
> Oh really? With the update manager? I thought that was expressly
> forbidden. Or are you talking about leaping in with editing
> sources.list and doing an apt-get dist-upgrade? I've comprehensively
> broken a Debian 5 box with that approach in recent months and would be
> loath to try again, frankly.

Yes, by editing sources.list, running "apt-get upgrade", "apt-get
dist-upgrade", and a few other steps before and in between. The Debian
5 to 6 upgrade is the Ubuntu equivalent of skipping 3-4 Ubuntu

It's not forbidden (how could it be?!) but a good anti-dote to someone
just "editing sources.list and doing an apt-get dist-upgrade" and
killing his box - if that's what you did.

There are a few people posting on debian-users with upgrade problems
but there'd have to be many more posting if failure is a
general/common scenario.

Furthermore, Debian 6 was released about ten days ago so your failure
in "recent months" might have been due to upgrading to a beta issue
that's been ironed out since.

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