
David Fletcher dave at
Mon Feb 14 23:07:55 UTC 2011

On Mon, 2011-02-14 at 11:07 -0800, june harvey wrote:
> Thank you for allowing me to be part of your community.
> Before I post, may I ask:   1) are newbie questions allowed?  and
> 2) Are questions about Linux Mint allowed?
> Thank you
> Canuck

What you will generally find around here, is that you will do better if
you show that you tried to help yourself before asking the list for

So, if you say for instance, "I tried solution A which didn't work,
Google searches gave me solution B but it's only for scripting and I'm
using C++, can somebody here please help me with a C++ solution?" then
you will tend to earn respect and receive assistance because you put in
some effort before asking.


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