video conversion

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at
Mon Feb 14 08:43:21 UTC 2011

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 12:26 AM, Ali Hassan <alihuco at> wrote:
> I need a tool to convert videos I download from youtube, like flv clips, to be playable on my mobile phone.
> My mobile is Samsung Player One. I have a very nice utility that does that in windows, But I am most of the time using Ubuntu 10.04.
> Please do not tell me "youtube-dl" it does not work.

I download youtube videos all the time and I have no trouble with, but you have to have the latest version because they
move the servers around from time to time.

What format are you looking to convert into?  Mencoder and ffmpeg are
good for that sort of thing.

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