Not able to Access Wireless Connection from Ubuntu

David Fletcher dave at
Sun Feb 13 15:52:00 UTC 2011

On Sat, 2011-02-12 at 14:51 -0600, Deepak Gupta wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have installed Ubuntu on a windows 7 Home Edition (64 bit) machine
> (dual boot). I am not able to access the Wireless Connections from
> Ubuntu. The same installation works with Windows XP (office). Also I
> can not run ubuntu from the cd drive on Windows 7 machine however it
> works perfectly fine with Windows XP. Anybody has experienced this
> prb? please help.
> Dee.

I have found that there is WiFi hardware that unfortunately Ubuntu
simply doesn't work with. The parts that I have enjoyed success with

1) USB WiFi adaptors that I used to be able to buy from a local shop in
Swindon. These are manufactured by somebody called Peak and are housed
in transparent green plastic.

2) A BlueNEXT BN-WD54G WiFi adaptor bought from an ebay seller some
years ago.

3) A Samsung branded internal laptop WiFi card, again sourced from an
ebay seller.

Others I have found you simply have to suck it and see. Even parts that
are labelled on the packaging as being Linux compatible don't
necessarily work with Ubuntu.


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