Not able to Access Wireless Connection from Ubuntu

Tapas Mishra mightydreams at
Sun Feb 13 08:10:23 UTC 2011

On Sun, Feb 13, 2011 at 2:21 AM, Deepak Gupta <toyesa at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have installed Ubuntu on a windows 7 Home Edition (64 bit) machine (dual
> boot). I am not able to access the Wireless Connections from Ubuntu. The
> same installation works with Windows XP (office). Also I can not run ubuntu
> from the cd drive on Windows 7 machine however it works perfectly fine with
> Windows XP. Anybody has experienced this prb? please help.
> Dee.
You have not mentioned what is the hardware.Dell/Lenovo
Boot to Ubuntu and connect to a Lan wire
then System->Administration->Hardware Drivers
when you are connected to LAN this way it will search if a driver is
not installed and show you if you need to install the driver.Now hit
and trial you select the driver which it shows and see which one works
for you.

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