[10.10]-How To Run a Separate X Server?

ms devicerandom at gmail.com
Fri Feb 11 00:22:38 UTC 2011

On 10/02/11 21:25, Jesse Palser wrote:
> [10.10]-How To Run a Separate X Server?
> Hi,
> How would I run a Windows program using Wine
> in a separate X Server?
> I've read that doing the above
> may improve performance of the game.
> Do I need a second monitor to do this?
> I asked in the Wine mailing list and they said ask here.
> Thanks!
> Jesse

You should try by logging in to a command-line terminal (ctrl-alt-F1) 
and then issuing

X :1


startx -- :1

where :1 means that you're opening the X session on the second display 
(your normal session is on :0).

see also:

and remember that Google's your friend.

Massimo Sandal, Ph.D.

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