Latest Adobe Flash plugin just installed

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Thu Feb 10 02:13:26 UTC 2011

On 10/02/2011 12:06, Lucio M Nicolosi wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 9, 2011 at 10:16 PM, MR ZenWiz<mrzenwiz at>  wrote:
>> So, just for fun, I pulled down the 64-bit version from, and
>> it doesn't work at all.
>> I like what I have - it works.
> I've been using Adobe Flash 64 Beta and "Square" for a long time now
> with no issues (10,3,162,29)
> Just remove any trace of a previous Flash install, download "Square" from
> Extract to home/$/.mozilla/plugins/
> Restart Firefox and it's done.

Sounds like you are using Firefox directly from Mozilla and installing 
it in your home directory - which is what I used to do until 12 months 
ago. The installation of firefox which comes with Ubuntu, and 
'maintained' by Canonical, does not use the /home/.mozilla/plugins/ - 
the symlink there is "dead"; the plugin for FF is in 


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