"Could not write bytes:broken pipe" - Are data safe?

Ioannis Vranos cppdeveloper at ontelecoms.gr
Tue Feb 8 22:09:35 UTC 2011

OS: Ubuntu 10.10 x86

Hi to all,

At my laptop I have 2 HDDs, in the first HDD I have my Ubuntu
installation and in the second I have some virtual machines (as file
images). Both partitions are formatted as ext4.

Because Vista is crawling after each boot, I made /etc/fstab:

/dev/mapper/vmware    /mnt/vmware    ext4     defaults,

==> data=writeback,

==> commit=600

  0   3

Since it is a laptop anyway, I also made:

/dev/mapper/Acer--Aspire--8920G-root /               ext4

==> commit=600

0       1

Some times, during shutdown a last message is being printed:

"Could not write bytes:broken pipe".

Is it possible to get corrupted filesystems/lost data because of this

Thanks a lot,

Ioannis Vranos


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