Autorun is VERY bad

devicerandom devicerandom at
Tue Feb 8 16:55:56 UTC 2011

On 08/02/11 15:59, Lucio M Nicolosi wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 1:46 PM, devicerandom<devicerandom at>  wrote:
>>> several people (one of the ML admins being among them) have told you it
>>> is not appropriate, how about just accepting it ?
>> How about understand why it could be appropriate and why it is felt
>> appropriate by the vast majority of the open source/hacker culture? You are
>> still free to disagree, but it's you that is walking backwards, not us.
> For those who didn't understand yet, this is UBUNTU-users list and
> users with emails ending with such as Oli, Alan and Jeff
> are expected to express Canonical (this is the "boss") values. Whether
> one like it or not. And if one dislikes it so much perhaps it's time
> to stop contributing.

I didn't notice that they are Canonical employees ; anyway:
  1)I'm glad to follow the rules here and in fact I'm not RTFM'ing 
anyone -I only think that the rules are myopic in this case and at odds 
with what the hacker community has long devised as correct process -for 
several reasons.

  2)Canonical employees are not "my boss". They are, at best, the 
maintainers and moderators of this ML.

  3) I'm quite worried that apparently such a code of conduct has 
nothing to say about silencing dissenting opinions -like you, Lucio suggest.

Anyway, end of story. We agree to disagree and move on.


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