Autorun is VERY bad
devicerandom at
Tue Feb 8 15:46:01 UTC 2011
On 08/02/11 14:27, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> Am Dienstag, den 08.02.2011, 14:04 +0000 schrieb devicerandom:
>> You haven't RTFM on RTFM yourself, did you? :)
> what makes you assume that ? i usually read a thread before answering,
> have often enough come across that document and i dont find an ESR
> document particulary helpful as an excercise of the ubuntu code of
> conduct ... nor do i find it any kind of appropriate for this ML
It is a document that sums up what is a *general* code of conduct which
is shared by tons of technical open source mailing lists/IRC
channels/web forums and the like.
You are free to reject it, but by doing so you ignore essential
fundaments of the hacker culture (which, by the way, allowed Ubuntu to
be what it is) and you're out of place in the vast majority of such
forums. Good luck with that.
>> is showing you a rough kind of respect simply by not ignoring you. You
>> should instead be thankful for this grandmotherly kindness."
> great, so that guy who is not knowing about something and is couraged
> enough to ask on an ubuntu support list should be graceful that you did
> what this list is for ?
> if you support with that attitude (giving proper support is a waste of
> your time and people have to be thankful for getting slapped with an
> acronym they probably dont even know), if your highest amount of time
> you want to invest into support is pointing people to a document where
> the headline for the explanation of RTFM tells them that "You've
> Seriously Screwed Up", did you think about doing something else for
> ubuntu instead?
Well, I'd say that teaching people how to fish is much, much better than
giving them fish, so I'd say that *I am* the one helping out and giving
proper support, not you.
> several people (one of the ML admins being among them) have told you it
> is not appropriate, how about just accepting it ?
How about understand why it could be appropriate and why it is felt
appropriate by the vast majority of the open source/hacker culture? You
are still free to disagree, but it's you that is walking backwards, not us.
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