Ideas for a good offline RSS Reader

Mail List maillistindia at
Sun Feb 6 09:15:44 UTC 2011

Hi All,

I have been sending across ideas for the development of a good RSS reader.  
So far Linux lacks any credible alternative. Therefore, I have proposed  
certain ideas. Please feel free to chip in yours.

Is there anyone who would be interested in development? This is because  
despite everything, I cannot code (thats not my speciality) but well.
this is the probable set of features:

1)  Subscribe to RSS 0.9x, 1.0, 2.0 and Atom feeds
2)  Download podcasts and save in the file system.
3)  Freely configure your keyboard shortcuts
4)  Search through all downloaded articles
5)  Categorize and query your subscriptions with a flexible tag system
6)  Integrate any data source through a flexible filter and plugin system  
possibly through "extension system" (Opera/Chromium). Firefox is still  
running in a terrible beta and I really don't mind shifting to a "browser"  
if it gets my work done. For the time being, I am in Opera.
7)  Automatically remove unwanted articles through a "killfile" (this is  
something that no one has implemented)
8)  Define "meta feeds" using a powerful query language
9)  Port and exporting your subscriptions with the widely used OPML format
10) Keep all your feeds in sync with Google Reader (they have an API for  
11) Download all the articles in one single pane; for example the you tube  
videos and fetch complete articles.
12) There is a lot of things happening in medical field. For example,  
there is a web site called as Mendeley ( which allows one  
to store the articles and meta data. Suppose the feed reader were to be  
integrated with Mendeley AND Twitter, the existing data/RSS feeds can be  
cross checked in REAL time. I think, one has to port their API (someone  
has to think about making a plug in for this!).
This RSS Reader, in my humble opinion, would then become a "content  
discovery platform". You can use this reader to search for stuff of your  
choice. Get an API of say "Hacker News or Digg", tag by keywords say  
"ruby" and everything related to "ruby" would be there in it.
Then see for the contextual linkage- how well the articles are related by  
means of a simple tag cloud. Voila! You have the best content offline :)
Is this possible?
These are the features copied from  (But  
it's terminal based). I have just added what I feel can be added as GUI.
Development here: git clone git://


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