Become a Linux Guru

Emilio Fernandes emiliosf at
Fri Feb 4 18:26:33 UTC 2011

I agree  with Albert,

If you really want to know how the things work under linux

the best way to become a expert is:

Build your next three distributions from scratch:

You can base your distro on Debian/Ubuntu (.deb) it's easy.
I started on Red Hat 5. (.rpm) and now i'm on Debian/Ubuntu.
But you will learn new things EVERY day!

Good Luck and Have Fun!

2011/2/4 devicerandom <devicerandom at>

> On 04/02/11 12:20, Amedee Van Gasse wrote:
>> On Thu, February 3, 2011 19:50, devicerandom wrote:
>>  And in any case , step 1 is ditching Ubuntu and going with Gentoo. I
>>> used it for years, and it teached me much more about Linux than any
>>> binary distribution could.
>> I have used Gentoo, and I respectfully disagree.
>> It's not because your pc spends 80% of its time compiling with the
>> -go-faster-stripes and -break-my-cpu compiler options that you actually
>> learn something. Except when your name is Neo and you can somehow
>> magically absorb knowledge when the compilation output is scrolling across
>> your screen in a Matrix-inspired green on black font. :-)
> I answered this above. Installing Gentoo is already a learning experience.
> And no, compiling in itself doesn't help -but when you're dealing with
> normal cases (e.g. incompatbile GCC, recompiling a kernel often) you learn
> usually a lot.
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Emilio Seidel Fernandes
Tec. Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Distribuídos - UTFPR Curitiba
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