Floppy Drive Not Mounting

Nathan Bahn nathan.bahn at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 11:08:11 UTC 2011

I fear that whatever limited C.L.I. skills I ever had have atrophied.  As
per this post <http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9990720&postcount=2>:

nat0 at nat0-E-6100:~$ cd /etc/fstab
bash: cd: /etc/fstab: Not a directory
nat0 at nat0-E-6100:~$ cd /etc
nat0 at nat0-E-6100:/etc$ ls
acpi                    gre.d                opencity
adduser.conf            grep-dctrl.rc        openoffice
aliases                 groff                openvpn
alternatives            group                opt
ample                   group-               pam.conf
anacrontab              grub.d               pam.d
apache2                 gshadow              pango
apm                     gshadow-             papersize
apparmor                gssapi_mech.conf     passwd
apparmor.d              gtk-2.0              passwd-
apport                  gtkmathview          pcmcia
apt                     hal                  perl
at.deny                 hdparm.conf          pm
authbind                herrie.conf          pnm2ppa.conf
auto.master             host.conf            polkit-1
auto.misc               hostname             popularity-contest.conf
auto.net                hosts                ppp
auto.smb                hosts.allow          printcap
avahi                   hosts.deny           profile
backuppc                hp                   profile.d
bash.bashrc             icecast              protocols
bash_completion         icecast2             psiconv
bash_completion.d       idmapd.conf          pulse
bindresvport.blacklist  ifplugd              python
blkid.conf              init                 python2.6
blkid.tab               init.d               qt3
bluetooth               initramfs-tools      rarfiles.lst
bogofilter.cf           inputrc              rc0.d
bonobo-activation       insserv              rc1.d
brlapi.key              insserv.conf         rc2.d
brltty                  insserv.conf.d       rc3.d
byobu                   iproute2             rc4.d
ca-certificates         ipsec-tools.conf     rc5.d
ca-certificates.conf    issue                rc6.d
calendar                issue.net            rc.local
cdebconf.conf           java                 rcS.d
chatscripts             java-6-openjdk       resolvconf
checkbox.d              juke.conf            resolv.conf
clamav                  kbd                  rmt
compizconfig            kde3                 rpc
computer-janitor.d      kernel               rsyslog.conf
ConsoleKit              kernel-img.conf      rsyslog.d
console-setup           kerneloops.conf      samba
couchdb                 lastfmproxy          sane.d
cron.d                  ldap                 screenrc
cron.daily              ld.so.cache          securetty
cron.hourly             ld.so.conf           security
cron.monthly            ld.so.conf.d         sensors3.conf
crontab                 legal                sensors.d
cron.weekly             lftp.conf            services
crypttab                libao.conf           sgml
cups                    libpaper.d           shadow
dbus-1                  locale.alias         shadow-
debconf.conf            localtime            shells
debian_version          logcheck             shorewall
deejayd.conf            login.defs           skel
deejayd.xinitrc         logrotate.conf       snmp
default                 logrotate.d          sound
defoma                  lsb-base             speech-dispatcher
deluser.conf            lsb-base-logging.sh  ssh
depmod.d                lsb-release          ssl
dhcp                    ltrace.conf          sudoers
dhcp3                   magic                sudoers.d
dictd                   magic.mime           sysctl.conf
dictionaries-common     mailcap              sysctl.d
doc-base                mailcap.order        terminfo
dpkg                    mailname             timezone
emacs                   mail.rc              timidity
email-addresses         manpath.config       ts.conf
environment             mime.types           ucf.conf
esound                  mke2fs.conf          udev
exim4                   modprobe.d           ufw
firefox                 modules              updatedb.conf
fonts                   mono                 update-manager
foomatic                motd                 update-motd.d
fstab                   mplayer              update-notifier
fuse.conf               mtab                 UPower
gai.conf                mtab.fuselock        usb_modeswitch.conf
gamin                   mtools.conf          usb_modeswitch.d
gconf                   mysql                vga
gdb                     mythtv               vim
gdm                     nanorc               w3m
ggz.modules             ndiswrapper          wgetrc
ghostscript             netscsid.conf        wildmidi
gimp                    network              wodim.conf
gnome                   NetworkManager       wpa_supplicant
gnome-app-install       networks             X11
gnome-settings-daemon   nsswitch.conf        xdg
gnome-system-tools      ntp.conf             xml
gnome-vfs-2.0           obex-data-server     xul-ext
gnome-vfs-mime-magic    ODBCDataSources      xulrunner-1.9.2
gns3                    odbc.ini             zsh_command_not_found
GNUstep                 OGRE
grandfatherclockrc      openal
nat0 at nat0-E-6100:/etc$ ls fstab
nat0 at nat0-E-6100:/etc$ cd /etc/fstab
bash: cd: /etc/fstab: Not a directory
nat0 at nat0-E-6100:/etc$

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
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