Order of message viewing in Evolution

MR ZenWiz mrzenwiz at gmail.com
Tue Feb 1 21:45:04 UTC 2011

On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 1:08 AM, Karl Auer <kauer at biplane.com.au> wrote:
> If I open a message then delete it while it is open (i.e., click on the
> delete icon in the open message window), Evolution appears to a) delete
> the message and b) open another message - but not necessarily the next
> message as displayed in the message listing.
> This is extremely confusing behaviour and not what it used to do (I've
> just moved to 10.10 from 9.04). I haven't figured out how Evolution
> chooses the next message to display - it is usually, but sadly often NOT
> the next message in listed order. Note that this is while the message
> list is sorted by date and group by thread is switched OFF.

There is always some kind of logic involved in programmatic decisions
of this nature, you just need to figure/find out what it is.

You might be better off asking this on the evolution users list.

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