Ubuntu Users Meet Up, Bangladesh

Md Ashickur Rahman Noor ashickur.noor at gmail.com
Sat Dec 31 07:34:37 UTC 2011

After some discussion in mailing list and local forums, we have organized a
Ubuntu users Meet Up in IER, Dhaka University, Dhaka, Bangladesh. The
program was open for all to participate. About 30 people where present
there. There where new and old Ubuntu users.

There were two session regarding FOSS and how to communicate in the
community regarding FOSS. The first session was presented by Aniruddha
Adhikary <https://launchpad.net/%7Edigitiger1>, he discuss about FOSS and
how a open source project earn money to continue the project.

Second session was presented by me, I discussed about community
communication, there where why and how to use forum, mailing list and IRC.
This session was held coz most of our new users doesn't know where to get
help. It was the main thing of the Meet up, to teach new user about the

Some photos are here

Ubuntu Meet Up 12-11
*Ubuntu Adda (December
Dedicated Linux Forum in
Volunteer, Foundation for Open Source Solutions Bangladesh.
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