Skype won't work Creative Live! Cam Vista IM

Nils Kassube kassube at
Fri Dec 30 08:31:27 UTC 2011

jimkvg at wrote:
> jimkvg at jimkvg-MS-7549:~$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/
> skype ERROR: object '/usr/lib/libv4l/' from
> LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded: ignored.
> Huh!  I think I already installed "libv4l-0" before, but still not
> working!

Sorry, my bad, but I have a lame excuse: I'm still using Lucid myself 
and there it would work. However I just checked the path on Oneiric and 
there the librirary is at a different place, so the command would be

LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libv4l/ skype

instead. Hopefully that works - I can't test it myself because I can't 
accept the Skype EULA.

> Guess I'll have to wait for update from Skype.  Hopefully
> very soon!

I wouldn't hold my breath ... since Skype is owned by Microsoft now, I 
would expect the Linux version of Skype to get even less developer time 


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