Newbie query: Ubuntu vs openSUSE

Richard Owlett rowlett at
Fri Dec 23 12:15:30 UTC 2011

Rameshwar Kr. Sharma wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 3:52 PM, Jamie Paul Griffin
> <jamie at>  wrote:
>> Having tried OpenSuse I can say that Ubuntu is certainly the better choice, in my opinion. The package manager is superior and overall finish and quality is better. I remember I came across an article comparing the two where the author described YAST as "a pig" which made me laugh; and i'm afraid that based on my experiences at that time, I have to agree.
> Okay I don't know, may be Yast is the package manager, but **how**
> package manager of Ubuntu is better, can you please explain me a
> little?
>> Ubuntu have designed their system with new Linux users in mind. You will have a really good system to learn on.
> Okk, then I must go with Ubuntu.
>> One thing you must consider when it comes to choosing a desktop environment is the hardware on which you will use Linux, especially the graphics hardware. The reason is that if you are using older hardware you might find that newer versions of KDE4 and Unity, for example, will be terribly slow and it could ruin your new experience. Please bare that in mind. XFCE4 has been designed to overcome some of those problems and so is more lightweight in terms of memory, etc.
> Okay, my hard ware is nether too old nor is extremely new, its in between.

CAUTION: You have mentioned that you have a "slow" internet 
connection. "slow" is a vague term. If "slow" is due to 
using a dial up connection, be aware that the Live CD does 
no have an accessible dialer although there are apparently 
several available in the repository. (Verified on version 
10.10, don't know about later versions)

>> Don't forget that many distributions provide the option to have discs sent to you by post. Some you may need to make a small donation, others will be free. You can then use the liveCD option or you could think about running them in a virtual environment, like Virtual Box or VMWare.
> Okk, I didn't know this fact, I try then.

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