Problem with gparted

Joep L. Blom jlblom at
Tue Dec 20 22:28:41 UTC 2011

On 20-12-11 21:21, doug wrote:
> On 12/20/2011 08:38 AM, Fajar Priyanto wrote:
>> On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 9:31 PM, Joep L. Blom<jlblom at>
>> wrote:
>>> I hope somebody can help me with a partition problem.

>> Hi Joep.
>> That is strange. Are you sure you haven't used up all the space for
>> the partition?
> Have you shrunk the big logical partition that you have now,
> so there is someplace to put a new logical partition?
> --doug
Everybody, thanks for your answers. Especially doug and Juan! You hit 
the nail on the head!.
I stupidly had forgotten to make the extended the size of the rest of 
the disk. A stupid beginners error!. I only assume that the old brain 
played me a trick.
Thanks a lot. The partitions are completed.

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