Problem with gparted

Juan R. de Silva juan.r.d.silva at
Tue Dec 20 20:42:56 UTC 2011

On Tue, 20 Dec 2011 14:31:22 +0100, Joep L. Blom wrote:

> Approx.550 GB is free.

Sorry, but your explanation is not quite clear. Could you be a little 
more specific here, please?

Do you have additional free space of 550 GB on your hdd, or do you have 
550 GB space free on your extended partition? (See below...)

> ... to create a logical partition. That choice is greyed out. I can 
> only choose to create a primary partition.

This snippet suggests that you do not have any free space on your 
extended partition. In such case Create Logical Partition option would be 
rightfully disabled, or "greyed out" in your words.

It also suggests that you do have additional free space on your hdd, and, 
since you have only 1 primary and 1 extended partitions, you still have 
the option to create a primary partition available to you.

If my suggestion is correct, then all you need is to resize your extended 
partition making space for a new logical one.  After this done, GParted 
would enable the option to create a new logical partition for you.

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