how do i delete my home on root partition?

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Fri Dec 16 00:37:59 UTC 2011

On 16/12/11 09:29, Sushil Mantri wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using a new disk for my home, but i am not able to reclaim the
> space my old home has on the root partition.
> Thanks,
> Sushil

Open the console/terminal, login as root (su - , password), start mc 
(Midnight Commander; if you don't have it installed, install it - it is 
your Swiss Knife!) find your old home directory, high light it and press 
F8, confirm that you want to delete it  and..... old home directory gone 
and you have your space back.

But before doing this make sure that there aren't any files sitting in 
your old home directory which you keep. If there are then copy (F5 in 
mc) them over to the new home directory. (HINT: mc comes up with 2 
panels so get into the habit of always using one of them as the source 
from which you copy and the other as the destination.)

One thing to firmly keep in mind is that when you delete files (or 
directories) the deleted files do NOT end up in the Wastebin but are 
immediately deleted and gone for ever. So, pay attention to what comes 
up on the screen when you press F8.


Diapers and politicians should be changed often; both for the same reason.

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