Manually installing SeaMonkey

Jim Byrnes jf_byrnes at
Tue Dec 13 21:52:13 UTC 2011

In the past I used the version of Seamonkey (2.03) in the Ubuntu 10.04 
repositories.  Because of some conflicts between my isp and SeaMonkey I 
manually installed the then current versions of Firefox/Thunderbird. 
They worked well for awhile but now with their rapid release cycle I 
have been having annoying problems with them.

I would like to install the current version of SeaMonkey but have a 
question about what happens in the /.mozilla folder.  There is already a 
Seamonkey folder in it.  How will the installation of Seamonkey handle 
this?  Or will Seamonkey create it own .seamonkey folder like 
Thunderbird does?

Thanks,  Jim

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