compile error

CJ Tres ctres at
Sun Dec 11 13:17:46 UTC 2011

On 12/11/2011 07:05 AM, Avi Greenbury wrote:
> CJ Tres wrote:
>> I'm attempting to compile a plugin. The configure step exits without
>> errors but make (run as root) tells me "no targets specified and no
>> make file found"
> What is the plugin, and what version? I'll have a fiddle with it, too,
> if I can get the same thing :)
>> Googling, I found the explanation for these errors:
>> `No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop.'
>> `No targets. Stop.'
> Did you run ./configure, or whatever the analogue is? Did it exit
> happily?

Yup! ... exits' with no errors. No problem there.
It's the AAC/MP4 plugin for xmms.
Odds are if you used xmms in the past you've probably moved on like 
everyone seems to suggest. Me, I'm stubborn and have found nothing else 
that replaces it for me.
In any case, xmms needs to be installed in order to compile the plugin.

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