Open Office and / or Libre Office

Colin Law clanlaw at
Thu Dec 8 08:14:15 UTC 2011

On 8 December 2011 06:34, LinuxIsOne <reallife at> wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 7, 2011 at 1:04 PM, doug <dmcgarrett at> wrote:
>> One thing I found:  in OO, the spreadsheet I would get from
>> a Microsoft system would come out with extra boxes on the top
>> right of the layout.
> Exactly with me and extra lines while exporting to pdf a MS .doc file.

You asked earlier how to install LibreOffice on 10.04.  If you still
want to do this then the first thing to do is to google for
install libreoffice ubuntu 10.04
that will give you numerous hits I believe.


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