Is there a tech support list/site for Mint Linux

jimmckenzie at jimmckenzie at
Sun Dec 4 20:47:22 UTC 2011

I need to fix open OpenGL in Mint 11 64 bit (AMD) with Kernel 3.1.1 010103-generic and I can't find a damned thing on line any where. Tons of questions asked 6 - 8 years ago but nothing new. I can't find a tech supp list either. No games work (They won't launch), none of the screen savers work (just a black screen no graphics, for the record The Screen Saver Lattice) I'd really rather not have to hose and start over. Is there a guide online about this? I know I sound a bit terse right now but I'm at a complete loss for answers and where I live no else has even heard of Linux let alone Kernel 3.X. 

I appoligize for the edgy nature of this message but I can't get any local help and I don't know what to do.

Any/All help will be appreciated.

James R McKenzie

jimmckenzie at

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