Question about updates

chris chevhq at
Sat Aug 27 07:21:28 UTC 2011

On Sat, 2011-08-27 at 15:07 +0800, Goh Lip wrote:
> On 27/08/11 14:01, Basil Chupin wrote:
> > Is that right, eh? Well, when everyone (anyone for that matter!) in your
> > part of the world learns how to correctly say "six" instead of saying
> > "sucks" then we may just listen to your advice, cobber :-D .
> Hey, your aussie pronunciation "sucks" too, mate.
> Here's a real tale of my first visit to OZLand.
> Immigration officer ; "You come to Australia today?"
> I heard : "You come to Australia *to die*?"
> I replied : "No, I did not come to die."
> Immigration officer : "Yesterday?"
> I heard : "Yes, to die?"
> I replied : "No! Not to die!"
> So you shouldn't mock Kiwi pronunciation, Yours sucks, big time.
> Heh heh - Goh Lip

I can't win here.  :-)
My farther was Australian who immigrated to NZ. 

Raised the intelligence level of both countries

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