Question about updates

Basil Chupin blchupin at
Sat Aug 27 06:01:49 UTC 2011

On 27/08/11 15:35, chris wrote:
> <snip>
>> Yes, it's good to hear that. We should move on from historical baggage.
>> Otherwise we'll be on meaningless missions to rid the german language of
>> gender prefixes (der, die, das) for things. And argue (meaninglessly)
>> why a dog is male, cat female and a horse ......well neutered; Or the
>> Rhine male and Danube female.   :)
>> Regards - Goh Lip
> Maybe it would be a good idea then to start with Latin.  :-)
> <Snip>  especially for Basil  :-)
> das kiwi

Is that right, eh? Well, when everyone (anyone for that matter!) in your 
part of the world learns how to correctly say "six" instead of saying 
"sucks" then we may just listen to your advice, cobber :-D .


"Facts are stupid things."
     Ronald Reagan

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