Gnome shutdown menu

Johnny Rosenberg gurus.knugum at
Fri Aug 26 10:40:26 UTC 2011

2011/8/26 John Conover <conover at>:
> Occasionally, the shutdown pull down menu in Gnome, (in the upper
> right corner of the tool bar-the 0 with a vertical line,) is over
> written by a second copy of the user's login name, (the Ubuntu One
> pull down menu,) which means the user can not log out or shutdown the
> computer.
> Its a Lenovo S-10 netbook running 10.04 LTS.
> The user does not, (and can not,) have su/sudo privileges, which means
> the computer can not be shutdown via a terminal, and Ctrl-Alt-F* won't
> allow a login to shutdown, either, since shutdown(1) requires root
> privileges. Additionally, there is no way to redraw the screen to get
> access to the shutdown/log out menu.
> Is there a solution or work around?
>    Thanks,
>        John
> --
> John Conover, conover at,

Here's another workaround:
Right click panel → Add to panel… → Scroll down until you find a icon
that looks like a red Power Off button (called Shut down or something
like that) → Select it and drag it to the panel.

Now you have two ways to shut down, in case the original one would
fail. I have Ubuntu 10.10 and the same thing is happening to me like
every second time I start my computer. Very annoying when it happens.

Kind regards

Johnny Rosenberg

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