Time format

NoOp glgxg at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 23 23:21:28 UTC 2011

On 08/23/2011 04:18 PM, NoOp wrote:
> On 08/23/2011 04:13 PM, NoOp wrote:
>> On 08/23/2011 04:06 PM, molaxp at aol.com wrote:
>> ...
>>> I was making reference to the Date & Time dialog box that is accessed 
>>>  from the menu that drops from the date/time displayed in the GNOME 
>>> Panel. By default located in the right upper border os the screen.
>>> That dialog has two tabs Date/Time and Clock. In the Clock tab I need 
>>> dçto enable the following options to get the desired effect:
>>> -12 Hour Format
>>> -Seconds
>>> -Montlhy Calendar
>>> If I disable the -Seconds- option the 12H setting is not used by the 
>>> GNOME Panel. If I enable it the format is corrected. To get a near 
>>> perfect behavior/look I need to also enable Date and Month.
>>> I will let it as it is right now, with the seconds ans the date until a 
>>> update fix the bug.
>> Right click the date, select preferences, tick 12 hour.
>> The time will now display hh:mm:ss AM/PM as will the locations when you
>> just click on the date in the panel.
> My mistake. I now see what you are refering to when you state "If I
> disable the -Seconds- option the 12H setting is not used by the
> GNOME Panel.". Odd, I've never noticed that before as I always have mine
> set to 24HR. Check launchpad & see if a bug has already been filed; if
> not file one.

Woops... it's now actually working for me on this machine (maverick) and
two others (maverick & natty).

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