How to ......

Chris Jones jonesc at
Fri Aug 19 12:50:58 UTC 2011

> It would be better if your subject line said what help you wanted, then
> others could follow your problem to it's resolution in the future. 
> "Re: How to ..." or "Help me" or "It's broke" just doesn't make it. 
> I refuse to answer such requests out of orneriness, as no one else is
> helped but you. Ric

and while we are at it....

You should also not hijack email threads like this. If you wish to start 
a new discussion, start a new email thread (i.e. don't reply to an 
existing thread and change the subject line, compose a new email.)

Please note I am not just bitching. Just letting the OP know how to 
better help themselves in the future.


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